Monday, April 18, 2011


Life today

i'm so tired. Beghat nanang aje. *is it correct?* ow, my life. Where've you been my dear? Okeh. Actually, so tired to live in the days today. Makes me feel sick. What the fish all this about?

Not to blame others

Okeh. I'm realised that i'm always blame other people on any situations that i faced. OK. That's ego my dear. Please blame yourself. It's you. Why are you feeling like that way?

I think because i did'nt put any effort to be better person.

I think because i did'nt act the way mukminun act.

I think because i did'nt put myself into their shoes.

So, what are you waiting for?
You are always saying that Islam will win one day! What about you? What is your effort?

Effort in sharing that Islam is beautiful.
Effort in sharing that Islam is jannah.
Effort in sharing that Islam is mardhatillah.

In any situation, put ALLAH is the first!



together we strive the best for ummah! AMNM~

. said...

kita diciptakan tidak sempurna, punya banyak sifat-sifat tak best.

semuanya kerana apa? Allah hendak kita berusaha menjadi yg terbaik.

kalau kita sudah terbaik, bagaimana nak jadi terbaik?

siapa nak contohi Rasulullah. siapa nak rasa kagum dgn Rasulullah... siapa nak cinta Rasulullah?

mari, disebalik apa yg berlaku, kita imbas kembali sirah. inilah peluangnya kita beramal dgn sunnah.

i like what ameen misran said, "But the biggest room on earth is room for improvement right"

setiap hari kita diketuk dan disedarkan dgn peristiwa2 yg menunjukkan kita ni lemah. kita banyak kurang.

so apa tindakan kita? berasa malu dan menangis? tutup muka dan tak mahu jumpa orang?
Allah mahu kita jadi lebih baik. mari kita berubah.

please, please, please. i need you Kinah, to tell me right from wrong. tegur bila salah. tegur bila tak kena. ukhwah itu kan saling mengingatkan? ^__^

Unknown said...

insyALLAH my dear.